Tag: survival
Fall Through Ice and Survive [Survival]
You just fell through thin ice. Struggling to get out, you keep a cool (no pun intended) head and remember the following article: Roll away from the hole. Don’t stand up right away. The ice around the hole may be weak, so you want to distribute your weight over as much area as possible. Roll…
How to Survive a Jump from A Moving Car
The Art of Manliness recently wrote about how to jump from a moving car. After rolling down the window to reduce wind pressure and opening the door, jump away from the car, then tuck and roll: Tuck. Before you hit the ground, tuck your body into a ball. Bring your chin to your chest and…
The 81 Master Tricks and Tools of Jason Bourne
Jason Bourne. The trained assassin who has an arsenal of strength, tricks and gadgets to complete his missions. This article aims to dissect the original Jason Bourne film trilogy, and the later two films, so that you can soak up as much information on Jason Bourne as possible. Highlights In the Identity, the watch Bourne…
How to Survive a 35,000-Foot Fall [Survival]
OK, you’re falling out of an airplane, 35,000 feet up, scared out of your mind. Only one thing is occupying it right now, the instructions from an article in Popular Mechanics on how to survive a 35,000 foot fall. Glass hurts, but it gives. So does grass. Haystacks and bushes have cushioned surprised-to-be-alive free-fallers. Trees…
Intrepid Eddie: Survival Preparation [Guest Post]
This post was written by Intrepid Eddie A short time ago, the Lone Iguana contacted me and asked if I was willing to write a guest article on Lone Iguana about what I have done in preparation for possible survival situations. This was sparked by a Lifehacker article and the ensuing comments it generated. Let…
How to Survive Natural Disasters [Survival]
With Haiti a big part of the news, you may be wondering if you are prepared to have something like that happen to you. The Big Picture has some tips and links for surviving disasters. Start with the basics: Store in a cool dry place plenty of bottled water, batteries, flashlights, and a radio. Candles,…
Debunking The Myths: Common Home Emergencies [Emergency]
Dumb Little Man has a great article about common home emergencies, including some not so common surival emergencies. Here they talk about snake bites: Do you rip off your shirt and wrap the wound? Suck out the poison and spit it on the ground? Get out your pocket knife and carefully cut the wound open…
David Blaine: How I held my breath for 17 min [Talk]
It’s worth noting that Neatorama had this sound advice on attempting anything like this: Unlike conventional modern magic, what was involved in the underwater breathhold was not special effects or hidden technology. Instead, Blaine prepared using a combination of hypoxic tent training to increase his hematocrit, preloading with 100% oxygen, meditation to decrease his oxygen…
Use the Universal Edibility Test to Find Food in a Survival Situation [Spotted Quickie]
I spotted this article on Lifehacker on the Use the Universal Edibility Test to Find Food in a Survival Situation. Subscribe:Â Â Â Â RSS Twitter Email