Category: Simple Knowledge

  • The Clandestine Operation that led to Osama’s Death

    At some time in the early morning yesterday, under cover of darkness, a team of U.S. Special Forces soldiers and CIA operators executed a raid on a compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan, with the goal of eliminating notorious al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden. The mission was a success; U.S. President Barack Obama announced last night that…

  • How to Survive an Explosion

    Action movies often depict heroes nonchalantly walking away from tremendous explosions. While it might make for good entertainment, the truth is that you most likely wouldn’t be in any condition to walk away from a Hollywood-size explosion. Io9 looks at how explosions work, and why they can be so deadly. They also offer a tip…

  • 88 Tricks and Tools of James Bond: Part 3 [How to Be Bond]

    Previously, I explored the many tricks, tips and tools of Jason Bourne, and the tricks, tips and tools of James Bond (part 1 and 2) . Now, let’s continue with exploring the tricks, tips and tools of James Bond, part 3. This article will delve into the tips, tricks and gadgets of James Bond’s following…

  • How to Do Everything

    How to Do Everything is a new podcast from Mike Danforth and Ian Chillag, producers of Wait Wait… Don’t Tell Me!. The new show is “half advice show, half survival guide”; listeners send in their questions and Mike and Ian talk to experts and do their best to answer them. It’s an entertaining and packed…

  • Security In-a-Box

    Security in-a-box is a project that provides various resources for enhancing your security and privacy both on and offline. The site contains a how-to booklet and a number of hands-on guides for using free software such as TrueCrypt, Tor, Eraser, and more to strengthen your digital security. Security in-a-box is a collaborative effort of the Tactical…

  • How to Make a Bug Out Bag [Survival]

    A bug out bag is a pack that contains enough items to survive for 72 hours.  The idea is that if you need to make a hasty retreat in the event of an emergency, you can grab your bag and have enough supplies to evacuate to a more secure location. Creek Stewart of Willow Haven…

  • Disappearing, Shirts and Tracking [Link Roundup]

    How to Ditch Big Brother and Disappear Forever ThinkGeek’s New Spy Shirt Hides an Actual Working Spy Cam The Great Cyberheist – Blood Camera to Spot Invisible Stains at Crime Scenes How to Cloak a Crime in a Beam of Light MY PHONE IS OFF FOR YOU How To Track Your Vehicle on the…

  • Bulletproof Books, Dragon Skin, and Circus Acts [Link Roundup]

    The Secrets Behind Popular Circus Acts – Neatorama This Wall Hook Spy Cam Might Actually Fool Some People Which Novels of 2010 Can Stop a Bullet? – Neatorama Dragon Skin body armor gains piezoelectric sensors, keeps bullet-stopping abilities – Engadget ThinkGeek :: Micro Sonic Grenade Secret Service Replacing Scale Models With Game-Based Training-Gamasutra The Real ‘CSI’: How…

  • Pickpocket Prevention Tips

    Here’s a short list of tips for pickpocket prevention from FX World Chart. Most of it’s pretty straightforward, but it’s all solid advice. Don’t carry what you don’t need – if you don’t have it, a pickpocket can’t get it. Pickpockets prefer easy targets – if you can’t feel it on you, you probably can’t…

  • onPoint Tactical School

    OnPoint Tactical LLC is a tracking, survival, and scout school based in New Jersey. They have worked with and trained US military and law enforcement groups including the US Army Rangers, Navy SEALs, the FBI, and the Secret Service and offer courses for civilians as well. OnPoint offers programs for developing survival and tracking skills…