Category: Simple Knowledge

  • Get Your Wallet Returned [Lost and Found]

    Interesting tidbit of information for people who lose their wallet constantly. Apparently, the key is to actually keep cute baby photos in your wallet. The baby photograph wallets had the highest return rate, with 88 per cent of the 40 being sent back. Next came the puppy, the family and the elderly couple, with 53…

  • Tip for Winning a Gunfight and More [Quotes]

    Rules of Thumb is a great source for tricks and tips. I recently spotted this trick for winning a gunfight on the site: If several people are advancing on you in a gunfight, shoot the one furthest away first, the closest one second, and then retreat or repeat the process. L. Geer, San Diego, California…

  • 28 Tips and Tricks of Three Days of the Condor [How To Survive 3 Days]

    Three Days of the Condor is a outstanding spy film, filled with tricks galore. The best part? The star, Joe Turner (played by Robert Redford) is not spy or field agent, but simply a reader of everything to do with spying. In fact, most of the tricks he uses come from comics or other books.…

  • Behind a Gang of Diamond Thieves [Robbers]

    I love these articles. The lastest describes a well-trained gang of diamond thieves and their escapades. Each member of the gang did his or her job perfectly. The attractive young woman seduced the son of the jewelry store owner in Rome to find out where the safe was in the owner’s house. She also discovered…

  • A Code That’s Uncrackable [Code]

    A code that is uncrackable. Unsolvable. Intriguing… Almost 20 years after its dedication, the text has yet to be fully deciphered. A bleary-eyed global community of self-styled cryptanalysts—along with some of the agency’s own staffers—has seen three of its four sections solved, revealing evocative prose that only makes the puzzle more confusing. Still uncracked are the…

  • A Profile of a Master-thief [The Steal]

    Mmmmm. I love this kind of story. The full story of a brilliant thief, his empire and his demise. Blanchard wasn’t listening. He was noting the motion sensors in the corner, the type of screws on the case, the large windows nearby. To hear Blanchard tell it, he has a savantlike ability to assess security flaws,…

  • Spot a Gun [Graphic]

    I loved the following infographic on how to spot a handgun: Megan Jaegerman’s brilliant news graphics via BoingBoing Subscribe: RSS | Twitter | Email

  • A Japanese Gang is Infiltrated [Gangs]

    Check out BoingBoing’s article for the whole story, but what I really enjoyed about the article was the decription of the gang, the yakuza: Unlike in America, where someone’s word is as light as a feather, some of the yakuza guys have demonstrated incredible loyalty. If they promise something — if they give their word…

  • When You Call 911 [Emergency]

    “Operator! Give me the number for 911!”-The Simpsons Emergency! Call 911. In that type of situation, you should always be aware what you should do. First, before you do anything else, say your current location and whether you need police, fire assistance or an ambulance. This is done so that the operator can dispatch the…

  • An Informant’s Story [Secrets]

    The New York Times had this article on North Korean spies. The informers themselves remain of limited use to American and South Korean spymasters, in part because the North has no broad cellphone network, making it easier for the authorities to eavesdrop on calls and harder for handlers to direct operatives in real time. As…