Category: Simple Knowledge

  • Making an Agent [Become One]

    Ever wanted to join the secret service? While I won’t discourage you, I won’t pretend it is not hard work. In a past article in the Washington Post, we discover the journey of an agent in training. “Use the force necessary. You can hit them with your car, stab them with a big pin,” Mixon…

  • Link Roundup 3

    Scam School Erasing David Wilderness Survival Lessons from Hatchet The Best TED Talks [Learn From Others] ExiTool: A More Practical Approach To Escaping Your Automobile – Exittool – Gizmodo How blast-proof suits work – Boing Boing How Grenades Work Rules of Thumb – STUNT FLYING Subscribe:     RSS | Twitter | Email

  • The 81 Master Tricks and Tools of Jason Bourne

    Jason Bourne. The trained assassin who has an arsenal of strength, tricks and gadgets to complete his missions. This article aims to dissect the original Jason Bourne film trilogy, and the later two films, so that you can soak up as much information on Jason Bourne as possible. Highlights In the Identity, the watch Bourne…

  • Link Roundup 2

    Best Buy Missing 20 Laptops, Police on Lookout For Tom Cruise Wannabes – Mission impossible best buy robbery – Gizmodo Do A Total Background Check On Yourself – The Consumerist Skeptic » Reading Room » Learn to be a Psychic in 10 Easy Lessons The Boy Who Heard Too Much : Rolling Stone How to…

  • Nigerian 419 Scammer Interview [Scams]

    Scammers are known far and wide for being persistent, annoying and good at their job. In a recent interview with a reformed scammer, we learn about the life of a scammer. One interesting bit in the interview was how the scam system worked: At the bottom are the “foot soldiers”, kids who spend all of…

  • Privacy: Don’t Show All of Your Cards to Survive [Guest Post]

    Post by John from Destiny Survival I’m from the old school. I’m a middle aged man from a rural background, who’s been around for some time before the Internet, blogging, Twitter, ad nauseam. People today have no sense of what it means to keep things private. For example, teens don’t have the sense to know…

  • Listen to Police, Fire and EMS Scanners and More [Link Roundup]

    I’ve been collecting a bunch of links for a while, and rather than have a post on each one, I thought I’d just let you enjoy them all. Live Police, Fire, and EMS Scanners A Pocket Detective for Daters TRAKR RC Car Lets You Spy With the Power of Apps Crack a Wi-Fi Network’s WEP…

  • Intrepid Eddie: Survival Preparation [Guest Post]

    This post was written by Intrepid Eddie A short time ago, the Lone Iguana contacted me and asked if I was willing to write a guest article on Lone Iguana about what I have done in preparation for possible survival situations.  This was sparked by a Lifehacker article and the ensuing comments it generated. Let…

  • How to Survive Natural Disasters [Survival]

    With Haiti a big part of the news, you may be wondering if you are prepared to have something like that happen to you. The Big Picture has some tips and links for surviving disasters. Start with the basics: Store in a cool dry place plenty of bottled water, batteries, flashlights, and a radio. Candles,…

  • Tie Your Shoes Efficiently [Knots]

    On a caper, begin running, only to notice *damn*, your shoes are untied? Even if this has never happened to you, it could be fatal if it did. Thanks to Lifehacker, it doesn’t have to. By simply altering the direction of the first loop you make when tying your shoes you can produce a neater…