Cut Down Power Lines to Draw Attention [Survival]

When an unnamed man found himself stranded in the woods of northern Saskatchewan, he came up with a clever method to signal for help. Knowing the power company would have to check on the downed lines, the man cut down several power poles with an axe he had on hand.

A man stranded in the bush in northern Saskatchewan was rescued last week after chopping down four power poles — knocking out electricity to surrounding communities.

The incident left several hundred people in Wollaston Lake and Hatchet Lake Denesuline Nation without power for more than 30 hours, but it paved the way for a man to be saved by a SaskPower crew.


“Essentially it was mission accomplished, because we got the call, we chartered a helicopter … and on Friday around noon we discovered him,” Parker said.

Stranded Man Cuts Power Poles to Draw Attention via Neatorama

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3 responses to “Cut Down Power Lines to Draw Attention [Survival]”

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by squealingrat and Toasted Elephant, Lone Iguana. Lone Iguana said: Cut Down Power Lines to Draw Attention [Survival] […]

  2. Manuel Avatar

    That’s a really quick survival guide. I’ll keep this in mind if i’m going in an unknown place. Thanks.

    1. loneiguana Avatar

      Our pleasure! Thanks for visiting.