In this New York Times Magazine article, writer Joshua Foer recounts his year-long journey from having an average memory to becoming a U.S. record holder at the U.S.A Memory Championship. Foer and other mental athletes use techniques such as the Method of Loci or “memory palace” based on the Rhetorica ad Herennium, a Latin rhetoric textbook from the 90s BC. Basically, you construct a “palace” in your imagination and fill it with imagery that represents whatever you need to remember. A bear juggling cabbage might stand for the king of hearts, for example (the more bizarre, the better). Once you’ve constructed your visual palace, you can bring it up at any time and walk through it, recalling each item in order. The best mental athletes can use the Method of Loci to “memorize the first and last names of dozens of strangers in just a few minutes, thousands of random digits in under an hour and — to impress those with a more humanistic bent — any poem you handed them.”
“What you have to understand is that even average memories are remarkably powerful if used properly,†Cooke said. He explained to me that mnemonic competitors saw themselves as “participants in an amateur research program†whose aim is to rescue a long-lost tradition of memory training.
When the researchers looked at the parts of the brain that were engaged when the subjects memorized, they found that the mental athletes were relying more heavily on regions known to be involved in spatial memory. At first glance, this didn’t seem to make sense. Why would mental athletes be navigating spaces in their minds while trying to learn three-digit numbers?
The answer lies in a discovery supposedly made by the poet Simonides of Ceos in the fifth century B.C. After a tragic banquet-hall collapse, of which he was the sole survivor, Simonides was asked to give an account of who was buried in the debris. When the poet closed his eyes and reconstructed the crumbled building in his imagination, he had an extraordinary realization: he remembered where each of the guests at the ill-fated dinner had been sitting. Even though he made no conscious effort to memorize the layout of the room, it nonetheless left a durable impression. From that simple observation, Simonides reportedly invented a technique that would form the basis of what came to be known as the art of memory. He realized that if there hadn’t been guests sitting at a banquet table but, say, every great Greek dramatist seated in order of birth — or each of the words of one of his poems or every item he needed to accomplish that day — he would have remembered that instead. He reasoned that just about anything could be imprinted upon our memories, and kept in good order, simply by constructing a building in the imagination and filling it with imagery of what needed to berecalled. This imagined edifice could then be walked through at any time in the future. Such a building would later come to be called a memory palace.
5 responses to “Hack Your Memory With the Method of Loci”
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by squealingrat, Rat's Squeal and Lone Iguana, Toasted Elephant. Toasted Elephant said: Lone Iguana: Hack Your Memory With the Method of Loci […]
So where can we find the book that Simonides wrote?
I’m a musician and immediately I thought, why not use this technique to memorize music. Has this been done before? Do you think it’s possible?
This is the book referenced to in the NYT that is said to be the “only comprehensive discussion of the memory techniques attributed to Simonides to have survived into the Middle Ages.”
Interesting question. A few commenters tackled this question over at the NYT article, with one asking what you did and another discussing the issue.
There are a number of texts on the Art of Memory: Francis Yates: The Ar of Memory; Mary Carruthers wrote several as well. The antique texts extend beyond that of M.T.Cicero and several , from the Middle Ages are available as well.
What tends to be forgotten is that the Art, i.e., Ars, was as Aristotle said , only an aid to refine and make easier that which nature already made available. If one considers being able to enter an Ars construct…what then of entering the natural construct?