Using your own credit cards is a great way to let the authorities know where you are immediately!
Now, most folks already know about Visa Gift Cards, which you can buy almost anywhere, and use anonymously
But here are some other services you might not know about:
- – Free temporary virtual credit card numbers.
- Pro: no fees
- Con: You need to connect a bank account
- Capital One Eno – Free temporary virtual credit card numbers, plus a credit card with rewards.
- Pro: 1.5% cash back
- Con: You need to apply and get approved
- Citi/Chase/BofA – Included virtual numbers.
- Pro: No signup if you’ve already got one
- Con: Must sign up
- SudoPay – iOS app that generates virtual numbers.
- Pro: Untested
- Con: Charges you a fee
One response to “How To Get Temporary, Disposable Credit Cards”
[…] Bourne uses an American Express Platinum Charge Card, which we discover when he opens his safe deposit box. Here’s our quick guide to virtual credit card numbers. […]