How to Make a Hollow Book Safe

From James Bond to The Shawshank Redemption, the book safe is a classic hallmark of the espionage and crime genres. This tutorial from The Art of Manliness demonstrates the process for making your own hollowed-out book safe. With a few hours’ work, you’ll have a hidden container in which to stash your valuables or secrets.

Book safes are an age old way to stash one’s treasures–the key to a safe, a private document, a flask, a gun. And you can use them while traveling to hide your ipod, back up cash, or other valuables from would-be thieves. And of course if you end up wrongfully imprisoned, they work as an excellent place to stash a rock hammer for tunneling to freedom (salvation lies within!).

Not only are book safes fun to possess, they also make a cool, unique gift. If money is tight this year, consider making a few book safes for your friends or family. The supplies you need only cost a few bucks, and each will take you about 2.5 hours or so to create. Here’s a step by step rundown of how it’s done.

How to Make a Secret Book Safe

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  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by squealingrat, Lone Iguana. Lone Iguana said: How to Make a Hollow Book Safe […]