- A Smartphone Is a Prisoner’s Best Friend
- Rules of Thumb – SOLVING A CRIME
- The Perfect Crime Scene
- Store Valuables in the Kitchen to Prevent Theft
- How I became a con artist – Life stories – Salon.com
- The Anatomy of a Perfect Bank Heist: Smoke Bombs and Police Scanners
- Golden-age short-change cons – Boing Boing
- How a Remote Town in Romania Has Become Cybercrime Central | Magazine
- A Geeky Serial Killer Well-Versed In Police Techniques Is Terrorizing Long Island
- Brazilian Police to Wear Glasses That Can Scan Faces to Find Criminals
- Jewelers Found Guilty of Mimicking a Heist from the Movie Snatch
- The Confidence Man
- How Nazis Planned to Re-Build the Third Reich Using Terror Gadgets and Other Crazy Plans
- Spy Games – By Scott Horton | Foreign Policy
- Meet the con artist who spent $3 million of Best Buy’s money on supercars
- Who was Gareth Williams? | World news | The Guardian
- Print – The Hunter Becomes the Hunted – Esquire
Update:Â Diablo Magazine | The Setup