Tag: tools
Security In-a-Box
Security in-a-box is a project that provides various resources for enhancing your security and privacy both on and offline. The site contains a how-to booklet and a number of hands-on guides for using free software such as TrueCrypt, Tor, Eraser, and more to strengthen your digital security. Security in-a-box is a collaborative effort of the Tactical…
The 81 Master Tricks and Tools of Jason Bourne
Jason Bourne. The trained assassin who has an arsenal of strength, tricks and gadgets to complete his missions. This article aims to dissect the original Jason Bourne film trilogy, and the later two films, so that you can soak up as much information on Jason Bourne as possible. Highlights In the Identity, the watch Bourne…
Intrepid Eddie: Survival Preparation [Guest Post]
This post was written by Intrepid Eddie A short time ago, the Lone Iguana contacted me and asked if I was willing to write a guest article on Lone Iguana about what I have done in preparation for possible survival situations. This was sparked by a Lifehacker article and the ensuing comments it generated. Let…