The coin toss is the go-to solution for whenever a decision needs to be left to chance. But according to a study done at the University of British Columbia, it’s much easier to influence the outcome than you’d think. Participants were able to raise their chances of flipping a heads to 68% after just a few minutes of instruction. The technique involves trying for a specific number of flips in the air in order to catch the coin with the preferred side up.
Do the flipping. You need to know which side of the coin starts face up. You’ll be going for a specific number of flips. This is why referees and umpires do the tossing in most sports, while team captains make the call.
Practice. The trick is to flip the coin the same way every time, with the same force behind your thumb. Too many spins and it’s too difficult to repeat; too few and it doesn’t look fair. Three or four flips are ideal.
Win a Coin Toss via Lifehacker
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[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by squealingrat, Rat's Squeal and Lone Iguana, Toasted Elephant. Toasted Elephant said: Lone Iguana: Win a Coin Toss by Volunteering to be the Flipper […]